Learn about the wonderful world of herbs with our ABCs of Herbs series.

In our ABCs of Herbs series, we want to give you a bit of background about the herbs we use in our essential oil blends. This will focus more on what the herb is for, and not about identification.
All information has been learned through the years by me through study and certification.
(Arnica montana L.)
Used through the ages for pain, especially joint support, bruising, inflammation and swelling. Arnica is one of our favorite herbs to use in salves when there are aches, muscle or joint pain, due to its anti-inflammatory components. Although it is antimicrobial, it should not be used on open cuts or abrasions. You should not use this herb on open wounds.
(Astragalus propinquus)
Astragalus is know to support the immune system, opens airways, supports adrenal function, is an adaptogen, supports the blood, chi tonic, increases vitality, supports circulation, listed by the National Cancer Institute as an herb that can inhibit tumor growth, may help with diabetes, and night sweats. It is an adaptopgen, meaning it is known to bring the body back to normal health. It is supportive to the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, it is a blood purifier. Generally considered safe for every day use, but is contraindicated for people with late-stage Lyme disease, or for those who are on immunosuppressive drugs.
Ashwangandha Root
(Withania somnifera)
Ashwangandha is known as an ancient medicinal herb, it is an adaptogen, meaning the body uses it in many ways to manage stress, and helps the body to come back to a state of balance. This herb is calming, soothing for tension and stress, used in India as part of cancer protocols, may improve type 2 diabetes, is an overall tonic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic.
It's biggest benefit is the way if affects the immune system by restoring it to homeostasis. It's an all around tonic that helps lower inflammation, and balance hormones. It's a great herb to use for autoimmune disorders, under the guidance of a qualified herbalist. Ashwagandha is considered safe with no known toxicity within normal dosage amounts, side effects may include increasing the sedative effects of barbiturates. If pregnant, use only under guidance of a qualified herbalist.
Our Blends
Looking for one of our A herbs in a ready made blend? Look no further.